Wow. Land of the lost.
I feel like i could be right in elder AndyMacSmarts backyard. It is crazy here.
Anyway. My new area is Tapachula Izapa Indeco. It is anicesliver that goes all the way down to touch the border of guatemala. We got to the house the first night i was here and i asked my comp if he had been down there andhe said no so we went down there on wednesday and it literally is just like houses and then it ends into pure jungle. We walked through it for a few mins and didnt find any houses. Anyway. Its exactly like hawaii climate here. Its super hot in the sun and then nice and cool when it rains. It has everything from slums to decently wealthy parts. Anyway. My comp is Elder Burgess. He is from utah. He is a good guy. He has a real desire to work his butoff. I likethat. He is also really new. I get the opportunity to finish his training so i guess you could say i am his step dad. Lol. His spanish is exactly what youd expect so i have to teach my part and a good chunk of his part when we teach lessons. Its alright though. Anyway. THis area is huge, the house is huge. The climate here is awesome and we have to sleep in our hammocks because the beds have bugs... We do have a walmart that we can go to on our p day so that makes me really happy. Like really really happy. Like real food. and this house has a kitchen. Well. Anyway. Thats about it. Love you all!
Scripture of the week : 1st John 4:19 Read it. Ponder it. Pray about it. Act upon what you discover.
Ve y Conquista,
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