Tuesday: Started off with some good ole fashioned excercise and study time before going out to teach the niños. It was awesome. We came up with this crazy new way of geting referrals. Its a game. And everyone here knows how to play it but we twisted it a lil and we getthe info after. We got 23 referrals! Then we went to lunch at a members house and it was a straight up fish. Sweet. I actually enjoyed it. Its weird having to pick it off with your fingers from the bones, and just straight up eat it. I am actually getting really used to it though. Tortilla count also hit 200 woah. Then we got a few frozen bananas with the district and played some b ball with some random kids on the street.
The chocolate bananas only really reminded me of cali with the crew. So there is your weekly shoutout. I miss yall.
Wednesday: Started off with a little extra sleep becasue we were beat, and then we switched for district leader exchanges. I got to be with E. Bradshaw for a while!!! ENGLISH!!! we had one of our 4 appts happen and it was ok. The lady had completely changed her mond. Thats what i was picking up. Everyone was also giving us the cold shoulder because we were both gringos. POO.
Thursday: The full day with E. Bradshaw. We woke up, and went to get some breakfast because he didnt have any food. Huevos rancheros. But for real. So good. Then we went to the cyber for a while so he could wirk on his powerpoint, and i printed off a whole ton of tabs for songs on guitar. Then i went and bough a two ring binder ( becasue they dont have 3 ring binders in mexico) and then a two hole punch to go with it. Superb. This guitar is seriously the only thing that is keeping me sane. We taught three people and one of them accepted it, and it was super neat becasue she went from not believing in religion to reading the book of mormon while we were talking to her. SUPER NEAT. Then we came back and watched the Saratov Approach with spanish subtitles of course. It was wicked cool. I teared up at the end. What...
Friday: Woke up and had a way chill jam sesh with elder bradshaw and all of his music on some thumbdrive that he bought from someone on the street that just plugs into a speaker and has a TON of music on it. It was way chill. We worked on the powerpoint again, and i printed off more music. Then we met up with E. Lopez and E. Mena and i headed back to my area. It was kinda sad, but la verdad es que me gusta nuestra área mas que la otro. We had some lessons and then had a Noche Hogar con la familia Gutierrez and Had some refreshments which means fanta and tortillas. It also got really cold. Like 40s. made me really miss home, and the snow and stuff. It was super funny though. All of the people here were bundled up and E. Lopez had a jacket on. LOL. I was the only one in ixhuatan without a jacket on that night.
Saturday: Started out with exercise and then i boiled water for my bucket showere because it was still un poco frio outside, and wow. that may have been the most intelligent thing i have ever done. Best (bucket) shower ever. Then had a crappy breakfast, studied and we were off. One of the members dads was listening while we were teaching, and came over to sit in. Turns out he has been a pentacostic pastor for almost 20 years and he agreed to read the book of mormon. WHUD... AWESOME!!! Then we taught his niece who was being a total shmuck the whole time to my companion, and we basically said if you dont want us to come back, then tell us. She said no, so we arent. Oh well. Life goes on. Then we had a sick activity in the night where i taught a bunch of kids and adults to play the guitar a little but, and E. Bradshaw taught a bunch to play the piano. What a good time!!! Well we got back and got a call from the mission prez. Apparently there is a family in Ixhuatan who only speaks Tsotsil ( pronounced suksil) and they have asked the mission president about the church and of course they are in our area, so we recieved a box of BOMs and language study stuff for Tsotsil which is apparently a Zapotec Mayan Language, and we have to learn it, and contact the family within a week. Pics of the book are included. For all of you to Not comprehend just like I did when I saw it.
Sunday: Halfway through my first transfer. Woah. Oh and I love sundays. Like a lot. WE were just chillin there in sacrament, and One of the members named braullio turns anround and asked me if i had an instagram. Of course i said yes and he gave me his phone and i looked myself up. What an experience. The touchscreen i mean. After having not used a touchscreen for 2 months, and then using it right as i used to was suuuuuuper weird. He commented on one of my pics which was superbly cool, and then liked a bunch of my pics and asked me about a ton of them. Super fun. then we went to lunch with the other elders at a members house, and had turtle eggs and armadillo. Woah. Both are actually quite good pero the huevos de tortuga are un poco bit raro. So theres that. Thats about all that happened that day.
Ill be on for a bit, and I am going to try to upload the video of eating a turtle egg to my dropbox but it might take 18 hours... So theres the warning.
All I really want for christmas is decent internet speeds...
But also HMU!
And also huge shoutout to all the people who wrote me this week that arent even on my email list. You the real MVP.
Scripture of the week: D&C 38:30 Read it. Ponder it. Act upon what you discover.
30 I tell you these things because of your prayers; wherefore, treasure up wisdom in your bosoms, lest the wickedness of men reveal these things unto you by their wickedness, in a manner which shall speak in your ears with a voice louder than that which shall shake the earth; but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.
Until next week,
Querría que estés aquí,
Elder Runyan
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