So tuesday started off with no more water supply, so we had to walk 15 mins to get water in buckets to shower with, and then go back after to get drinking water. Awesome! Then studytime outside becasue its better than being inside. afterward, we were trying to teach, pero all but 3 of our 14 lessons and backup lessons fell through, so we went and walked around to random places and did street contacting most of the day, picking up 38 street contacts (which is crazy for here).
We did teach one 18 year old kid named neftali who is super cool. I have a good feeling about him. We also taught a menos activo named catarino. he is super cool, and when we went into his house, he was in a different room, we walked in and he was SCREEN PRINTING!!!! Holy what? How crazy is that. So we talked in broken spanish about screen printing and designing and all other sorts of stuff! That is nuts. Then we had "Noche Hogar" which is like a big ward activity night. Super fun games, and good food, and yes.
Wednesday was andother bucket shower day, so theres that. Then we hopped in the back of a truck and drove 3 hours to a zone meeting in chauites. Sweet. I got to see the landscape. It is absolutely beautiful here. We sat through a bunch of meeting crap that was long and hot because the power was out, (like it always is here) and then I met elder Birk. Super chill guy. I guess he goes to north summit? he knows Racher Rydalch, and Thai, and Taylor and all of those girls. He is an awesome guy! When we came back we had a couple of lessons, one where i was able to say exactly waht i want in good sounding spanish! Elder lopez just kinda stared at me with this blank look on my face, and then asked me where i learned to speak spanish like that...
Friday started early with a ton of service. We had to clear about half a football field of vines and weeds that were taller than me, using dull machetes. Woah. Hard. And i guess hornets live in these vines and so i ended up with 8 hornet stings on my arms and face. AWESOME. But we cleared it out and then smothered eveything with gasoline, and lit it on fire. SWEEEEET!!! Then had some egg enchaladas and pescado at Alejandra y Victors house. I was able to use elder Mcdonalds quote "A missionary is someone who leaves thier family for two years, so help others to be with thier families for eternity." I teared up. I am not gonna lie. The spirit was incredibly strong. Then we taught some more ninos and i was a demonstration of the church and its prophets for elder lopez, and it was awesome. Im sure i looked like a total idiot, but its fine. Im sure the ninos will remember that lesson.
Saturday was another bucket shower day. And then we got to go to the swap meet market. Everything pirated and super cheap, and its in mexico so its even cheaper! I didnt buy anything, but I did look around, and there were some pretty sweet deals. maybe next week. Then we headed back to the chapel in Chauhites, and sat through another super long meeting in a hot room because the power was still out. Then chatted for a long time to Elder Birk, and Elder bell, and then we headed back to our place at 6 to get there at 9. Sleep enued shortly after.
Sunday, another 3 hour truck ride to zanatapec this time to a huge gathering place that reminded me of the salt palace in utah and made me sad because I kept thinking about going to see the Arctic monkeys with the Osborne Family. I miss you guys a ton. All of you. But as of today I only have 585 days left before I am done. Then we were cleaning up and got left behind, so we called the mission president, adn he came and picked us up and took us to one of the presidency members houses where we ate shark, and armadillo, and had cake and yum. Best meal ill have for dos anyos. Then we fell asleep in hammocks under a tree with a nice breeze while we waited for our ride back to Ixhuatan. Coolio Julio! then we got home, had a lil jam sesh, and crashed. Thats about it.
I love you all!
Ill be on for a bit, so shoot me an email or two if you get the chance!
also my actual address according to google is Libertad 78, 2da., 70175 San Francisco Ixhuatán, OAX
Con Amor
Elder Runyan
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