Anyway. Most of the week was just rain rain rain rain rain. All of the rain. the streets were rivers yet again and when we went to go find bots on monday they just ran out. So my good ole jonston and murphys are getting a good bath.
We got a bunch of new investigators this week and one who has dyalisys and is about to die and she wants to be baptized right away.we asked for permission from the president and he said that she has to go to church 2 times... Oh boy. Why is it that i always get the people who are dying or dead... Then we also found an antiguo investigador who got into a motorcycle accident because he was driving drunk and whiskey throttled and hit the barrier of the huge bridge at the other end of our area. he was in a coma for 12 days and then miraculously came out. he doesnt have control over half of his body and he forgets stuff a lot but he says that he is fnally ready to change his life. His accident was very serious and he fractured his skull and opened it up.
Also our good friends pablo and scarlet came to church for tier first time and i let hi one of my ties and one of my shirts and his little kid threw up on both of them. Also the other little kid dilan, is like my son. he wanted to hold my hand all the way walking to church. That is a neat feeling. i cant wait to have kids. Its gonna be so cool.
While we were at church we finally got to confirm the Hna Concepcion who we baptised last week but then didnt show up to church. Oh boy. So thats done and we now have two families coming to church. SWELL.
last night we got a text from pablo and scarlet telling us that they had to take the youngest kid to tuxtla becuase he fell and got a piece of wood stuck in his eye. It didnt go through the front though. They are gonna go get it taken out but they dont know if theyll be able to save his vision.
Prayers are always much appreciated. I love my investigators and I can tell that many of you are beginning to love them through me and your prayers.
Love you all so much.
Scripture of the week. DyC 67:10 Léala. Medita la. Ora sobre ella. Actúa sobre lo que descubres.
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