Monday : Gave a blessing to Hno Juan and it was super long and i used a couple of words that I didnt know... I had to ask my comp what they meant afterwards. Super cool.
Wednesday : Jones was really sick today so we went on splits and i went out and taught while he stayed inside. It was really quite cool. Braulio has a solid testimony. He is gonna be a sweet missionary. We taught a whole bunch of people, one of which was some old dude named jose who only wears fedoras on his head because he has cancer on his scalp. He is super open and i am excited to keep teaching him.
Thursday : We got up and studying and then we found 2 more scorpions and so we moved everythig out of the house and studied outside while the fumigators came and fumigated and then i just threw up. So that was a fun day. Just throwing up all day. yay. we went out and taught at 6 and got a few lessons in to some of our investigators like osiris. She said that she believes in the book of mormon and JS but she doesnt want to pray for an answer to baptisim...
Friday. We studied about listening to the spirit and then fasting. so we started a consegration fast and we are still going. We are going to break it on monday. We had an absolutely killer day where we talked to all sorts of people. We learned about the church of the cornerstone ( interesting) and then we talked to a psychopath who is gonna kill some stalker that he has. Then we taught some of these people who were going to church for 3 years and never got baptised and they said they want to now. It is a family of 5. We can baptize them.
Saturday : We went to district conference in zanatapec and we learned a lot about our patriarchal blessings. it was super col. I am gonna study taht so much. We took a van to the conference and we were all packed in for 2 hours and no ac. YUM. when we got back it was 8:30 so we just hit the sack.
Sunday : We got Suje to come to Church!!! Suje is a menos activo that we have been talking to and she is super shy but really wants to change her life again. She came and she really liked it. It was the general version of district conference so after we went and took pictures and introduced her to president George and his wife and she really thought they were swell. We got back at 9 this time and had to go straight home, but it was fun.
Abide ye in the liberty wherewith ye are made free; entangle not yourselves in sin, but let your hands be clean, until the Lord comes.
Read it. Ponder it. Pray about it. Act upon what you discover.
Con amor como siempre,
Elder Runyan