Tuesday : Started out good with a bucket shower and then we had a solid study sesh and killed our first two lessons with a member. They were awaseome i invited both to be baptised and they both said yes. Miracles do happen. Then we went to teach armando again. Tómala. Malo idea. I should have walked right past his house. He started bashing us right away and started saying stuff like joseph smith needs to repent because he is a sinner and is going to go to hell and then he took the book of mormon that we gave him earlier and said "el libro del mormon es basura" and threw it on the ground. Too far man. We picked up the book, put it in my bag and then told him he was being incredibly rude and then we left. Oh well ill go pray for him.
Thursday : Christmas and it was awesome!!! Talking to the family for a chunk of the day, Hearing that my best friend got her mission call and didnt tell me but then did a different opening sort of thing for me! SWEET! I am so stoked for you and i know you are going to do amazing things in Chicago!!!
Saturday. We did some home improvement with my comp and we installed a mcguyvered water heater for hot showers and we fixed the water and wow awesome. He was the district leader from the other area and he is now my comp. Sweet. He is super hard working and he is a white dude from Chihuahua.
Sunday : We got a million and a half lessons because we are only teaching 30 min lessons now and we got 40 contacts to finish off the 200.
Scripture of the week 1 Nephi 4:13 Read it. Ponder it. Pray about it. Act upon what you discover.
13 Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes. It is better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief.
Con amor
Elder Runyan
Pics will be coming in a later email becuase this cyber is chafa.
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